
Saturday, December 17, 2005


Well, well, well, guess I better gets this done before I get shot when I touchdown back at homebase. It has been quite a while I must say but there is no internet connection for the past few days, so as much as I would like to honor my part of the promise, technical fault is not due to me, take it up with a hub rascal for charging high for internet connection and no strong wireless networks around for poor me.

I am now at grasp lavatories waiting for the next transit, it is crazy all this time waiting to rush and rushing to wait. The time difference is also driving me nuts, use to think I am able to do well with all these differences in time, but guess not.

Going to the next lavatory to wait and rush and rush and wait again, in fact I am doing this at a super fast speed since I have only 65% left and less than 30 minutes, one of the interesting things around here is the talking dustbin, if I have the chance will take a picture of it. Fully automated and extremely polite.

Well, guess this would have to do for now. Next time with more connection and time, I will TRY to do a longer one. Cheers!

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