Tuesday, August 10, 2004
The Makings of an Empire, the Journals of Ide Tadaji
The Emperor rules over all things. His will is unquestionable, his judgment infallible. The Emperor resides in both Heaven and Earth, and guides the Empire with wisdom and honor. It is the duty of the clans to serve the Emperor. These duties are clearly delineated, with the most notable being the Right Hand, the Left Hand, and the Underhand. In recent decades the Empire has undergone a number of changes that, I believe, require that we revisit the purpose and nature of these duties. In the new dynasty, I see the greatest powers in the Empire as follows:
The Emperor’s Left Hand - The Left Hand serves as the Emperor’s political aides. They draft laws in his name, issue edicts on his behalf, and exert his political influence upon others. If the Emperor should choose to meet with dignitaries of foreign lands, they are his representatives. Traditionally, this has been the role of the Crane Clan, with reinforcement from the Emerald Magistrates.
The Emperor’s Right Hand - The Right hand serves at the Emperor’s army and enforcers. In times of strife, it is the Right Hand that brings about peace through force of arms. In times of invasion by foreign powers, it is the Right Hand that defends our borders. Traditionally this has been the role of the Lion Clan, the Imperial Legions, and the Seppun Imperial Guard.
The Emperor’s Underhand - Though seldom speak of it, few who are wise would deny the usefulness of the Underhand. They are the Emperor’s spies and informants, ever vigilant for threats that the Emperor cannot deal with directly without bringing dishonor upon himself. This has traditionally been the role of the Scorpion Clan, though the Otomo family also fills this purpose in the higher echelons of the court.
The Emperor’s Voice - This role has not existed in the past, but I believe it is one that would serve the Empire well in the future. The Emperor’s Voice are the peacemakers of the Empire, those who maintain a friendly relationship between the Emperor and the common people and insure that the Great Clans do not fall to civil war. While the Left Hand create legislation that prevents war, and the Right Hand can issue troops to restore peace, it is the Voice’s duty to bring a peaceable solution, rapidly and efficiently, when laws or force of arms fail. The Miya family has fulfilled such a role for centuries, but I believe that it is time at last for a Great Clan to step forward and aid them in this noble effort.
The Black Heart of the Empire - Some would call me a fool for listing this among the others, but I say we would be a fool to ignore it. The Shadowlands, as foul and detestable as they may be, are a part of the Empire. They are a twisted reflection of Rokugan, even more so in recent years. Their purpose is to befoul and corrupt all that we hold dear, to bring war where there is peace, hatred where there is brotherhood, death where there is life. Deserving of destruction they may be, but their power and influence is as great as any power of the Emperor, and only by understanding the true measure of the threat they pose may we truly begin to fight them.
Friday, August 06, 2004
Another Short Introduction on the Clans...
Legend of the Five Rings is a game which takes place in the Empire of Rokugan. Players take on the roles of leading their clan's heroic samurai, mysterious shugenja, enlightened monks, cunning ninja, and wily courtiers to victory. It is a land of heroic conflict on an epic scale as well as deep political intrigue. Your samurai's life depends on not only his skill with his blade, but on the depth of his honor A misspoken word can slay a bushi as quickly as an assassin's blade in the Emperors court, and the horrors of the Shadowlands wait eternally to corrupt the unwary.
It is a land where honor is as sharp as steel.
What clan should you choose when you play L5R? Some will choose a clan based on their card game style or their storyline style. On the following pages, you'll find descriptions of each clan available to you. From the honorable Crane to the devious Scorpion, from the heroic Lion to the unearthly Shadowland demons, their power is nothing without leadership. Each waits for one to lead them to the victory their own mystic shugenja have all foretold.
Choose wisely but regardless of who you choose, you'll soon find yourself absorbed in their culture and world. It won't be a decision you regret, for their future is in your hands.
* * * * *
To the southwest of Rokugan lie the Shadowlands, a domain of evil created by the Fallen Kami, Fu Leng. So monstrous are the Shadowlands' inhabitants that the Crab Clan has dedicated itself to defending the Empire against them. They have held the border for centuries, and only once have they ever given ground. The great Kaiu, or Carpenter, Wall stands at the edge of the Crab lands, a monumental symbol that the Crab will not falter again.
Though other clans consider Crab to be curt and abrasive, their apparent rudeness is merely a product of their eternal war There is little time for subtlety on the Wall. Crab are accustomed to dealing with one another directly, and have no patience for those who do not display the same courtesy. Crab have a quick temper and a raucous sense of humor many Rokugani find disturbing. The refined courts have no understanding of the Crab mentality, and consider most Crab to be mildly insane. The Crab care little for what others think, so long as their opinions do not interfere with the clan's duty at the Wall.
Currently the Crab are having difficult times. Three of their most influential daimyo have recently died, leaving control of the clan in the hands of passionate but untested leaders.
* * * * *
Excellence. All Crane strive for it - a lure that drives their every action. A Crane will not undertake an action if he cannot do it well and this tradition of excellence has given them a reputation as the finest poets, artists, and duelists in the Empire. For most Cranes, life itself is art.
Many outside the Crane perceive the clan as arrogant or impractical, but from the Crane perspective these observers are either jealous or merely shortsighted. Those who do not share the Crane's high standards can hardly understand why they do what they do. Likewise, few can seriously deny the clan's stunning achievements.
The Crane are the second largest clan in Rokugan (only the Lion have a greater population), though the Crab and Unicorn both have a larger military.
Though most Cranes disdain open warfare, they do not shun combat the way the Phoenix do, and the Crane have known their share of war in Rokugan's history. The true power of the Crane, however, is not in the battlefield but in the courts. The skilled politicians of the Crane are rivaled only by those of the Scorpion and Imperial Families. Few important officials in Rokugan do not have at least one Crane ally.
* * * * *
The northernmost peaks of Rokugan are home to the Dragon the clan founded when the Kami Togashi took his first two followers into their snowy recesses. Charged by the First Emperor to watch the Empire with an impartial eye, Togashi himself guided his clan by faking his death every generation and taking a new name. Very rarely have the Dragon become involved in the inner workings of Rokugan, and their interference is always inscrutable, unpredictable, and unstoppable.
A typical Dragon is quiet and reserved. Those who choose to speak generally quote verse from the Tao of Shinsei, or pose clever riddles. Their style of magic and tattoo have befuddled even the most insightful Phoenix shugenja, and the two-sword style of swordplay invented by Mirumoto runs contrary to the more accepted form dictated by the Crane. The Clan suffered a heavy blow when Togashi allowed himself to be destroyed on the second Day of Thunder Under the leadership of Hitomi the Dragon were attacked both militarily and politically until she defeated the dark Lord Moon and replaced him. Togashi's son, Hoshi, led the clan against the Shadow at the Battle of Oblivion's Gate, and has taken over as the Champion of the Dragon.
* * * * *
Since the dawn of the Empire, one clan has proven time and time again that only it is worthy to be the Right Hand of the Emperor, the chosen defenders of the Empire: the Lion Clan. Through the Clan War and the War of Spirits, the Lion always led the charge against the enemies of Rokugan and the Emperor Although there have been moments of weakness and corruption in the past, the Lion have never failed to rise and defend the Empire against all who would see it destroyed.
No other clan can match the military might of the Lion. Since the days of Akodo, the greatest strategist the world has ever known, the Lion have devoted themselves to the mastery of bushido and warfare. Their standing army is larger than any other in Rokugan. In addition, Lion troops comprise the vast majority of the Imperial Legions. Only the strongest, finest warriors may serve the Emperor. Only the Lion are truly worthy.
The current rulers of the Lion Clan are perhaps some of the finest in the clan's history. The fiery leadership of Clan Champion Matsu Nimuro is complemented by the wisdom of the aged Akodo Ginawa. Ginawa, however, is nearing retirement, and many wonder if the clan's endeavors will be fruitful without his counsel.
* * * * *
The Mantis Clan is living proof that fortune favors the mortal man. The Mantis never admit defeat, no matter what foe they face. They tenaciously cling to everything that is theirs, refusing to surrender and expanding their holdings through the sheer determination of their samurai. Cast out from the Crab at the dawn of the Empire, the clan's founder Kaimetsu-uo was forced to forge his own destiny, purchased with his own blood and sweat. With only a handful of followers, he traveled to the remote Islands of Silk and Spice and formed his own band of samurai, the Mantis Clan.
Throughout history, the Mantis have played a number of roles. They have been heroes, defending the Empire against gaijin attackers during the Battle of the Raging Seas. They have also been villains, such as when Gusai Rioshida attempted to overthrow the Emperor and claim Rokugan for himself For the most part, they have simply remained unseen, trading with various clans and accumulating great wealth with their knowledge of the seas around Rokugan.
During the Clan War, Yoritomo led the Mantis into battle. Bitter over centuries of treatment as lesser men,the Mantis unleashed their anger against the Shadowlands in a determined effort to prove their worth to the Empire. Against all odds, the gambit succeeded and the Mantis became a Great Clan.
* * * * *
If there is a mystery in the Empire, then there is a Phoenix who understands it. To the Phoenix Clan, knowledge is a weapon deadlier than steel. No clan possesses greater knowledge of magic and spellcraft than the Phoenix.
The Phoenix Clan believes in perfection: perfection of their magic, perfection of their spirit, and perfection of body and mind into a single, flawless mechanism. Since the dawn of the Empire, the Isawa and the Asako have labored for a more perfect understanding of the ways of the kami, the enigmatic spirits that shugenja summon when casting their spells. As these two families pursue their research, the Shiba practice their particular brand of swordsmanship, clearing the mind to allow the body to react without thought, without hesitation.
Far in the northernmost regions of Rokugan, the Phoenix enjoy a seclusion that allows them to pursue their own interests rather than constantly becoming embroiled in the conflicts of the Empire. This isolation fostered the belief that the pursuit of knowledge was a goal toward which anything could and should be sacrificed. Sadly, this led to the corruption of the Council of Elemental Masters, the most powerful shugenja in Rokugan, during the Clan War. This tragedy nearly destroyed the Phoenix. They have sworn to never again lose their focus.
* * * * *
Before the Empire, there existed a race of large rat-like humanoids that forged a great empire of their own. When the Kami fell from the Heavens, Fu Leng made a great crater with his impact, his corruption forming what is the Shadowlands today What very few know is that Fu Leng fell in the center of the great Rattling Empire. Eventually, the Ratlings formed loose tribes, much like the Clans of the Empire, but far less organized. Now fighting the growing population of oni, trolls, goblins, and other beasts in what was once their home, the Nezumi know that they may never reclaim the glory of their lost kingdom.
The chittering, thieving, and somewhat humorous Nezumi of today are faint shadows of the proud creatures they once were. Many of the tribes live near the Shadowlands, immune to the Taint for reasons that even they do not fully know.
The Nezumi are generally kind, a little scatterbrained, and quick on their feet. It's easy for the civilized Rokugani to look down on their way of life as simple and backwards. The wise understand that if a great explosion destroyed the Nezumi Empire for all time, the proud and cultured samurai of Rokugan could just as easily be reduced to such a state. Ratlings value the safety of their family and tribe above all else, and the surest way to earn the friendship of one is to help ensure that safety.
* * * * *
With their reputation as back-stabbers, thieves, liars, and slanderers preceding them, most Scorpion do not bother to intimidate each person they meet. Scorpion are intelligent and crafty, excellent friends and deadly enemies. A Scorpion's loyalty can be counted on once earned. Of course, knowing whether or not a Scorpion's smile is true is another matter completely Every Scorpion can turn just as menacing as they are welcoming, and a Scorpion's anger can lead to the dishonorable deaths of entire families.
Before the first day of Thunder, they were punished for the assassination of Hantei XXXVIII It was later revealed that Scorpion daimyo Bayushi Shoju had attacked the Emperor in an attempt to prevent the return of Fu Leng and the names of the Scorpion were restored.
Once again, before the War Against the Shadow, the Scorpion were exiled for their apparent connection to Emperor Toturi's disappearance. When it was revealed the Scorpion were not truly to blame, it was their mastery of the shadows that proved the undoing of the Living Darkness at Oblivion's Gate.
The sudden death of Emperor Toturi in the lands of the Scorpion has marred the Scorpion's reputation for a third time. Though no evidence at all implicates the Scorpion in this incident, many distrust the clan of secrets more than ever.
* * * * *
In all of Rokugan's history, there has never been a more implacable foe than those that exist within the Shadowlands. Warped by the will of an insane god and corrupted by the essence of the spirit realm of evil, the Shadowlands are a place of pure darkness and hatred. All that is evil is embraced, and all that is good is either corrupted or destroyed outright.
The Shadowlands are changing in recent years. The chaotic madness that has existed for centuries seems to be giving way to a new order, one that seems to be a dark reflection of the Empire it stands against. Cities, dojo, and even temples have begun to appear The gibbering madmen who once served as the rank and file of the dark armies are now gone, replaced by orderly, well-trained troops who live for the destruction of their enemies.
This change has come about because of Daigotsu, the Dark Lord of the Shadowlands. This lone individual, wielding dark powers of incredible magnitude, has bent the will of the Shadowlands to his own, remaking it in his image. In time, this sinister, enigmatic individual may prove to be a greater threat even than Fu Leng himself.
* * * * *
The Unicorn are a clan of outsiders. Directly following the first War Against Fu Leng, Shinjo and her followers, the Ki-Rin Clan, chose to explore the lands outside of the Empire. They did not return for eight hundred years. When they did, they had a new name - the Unicorn Clan - and a great deal of gaijin technology, magic, and customs. What resulted was a strange amalgam of Rokugani tradition and gaijin ingenuity. The Unicorn have taken the best of both worlds to create a strange hybrid culture unlike any other The wise have learned not to misjudge the unpredictable People of the Wind.
Though many consider the Unicorn a rustic clan, it is in fact extremely wealthy due to its healthy (and unsanctioned) trade in materials from outside Rokugan. They do not make a great personal show of their wealth as a Crane or Phoenix might, but Unicorn palaces are works of extraordinary exotic beauty that must be seen to be believed.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
An interesting quote...
You ask me what our plan is?
This is the plan. Look around you. We have already succeeded.
It is a good time to be a Scorpion.
Bayushi Yojiro
Scorpion Clan Champion
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
The Burdens of the Clans
by Ree Soesebee
To the Crab: Stand the Wall. Defend those who are too weak to protect themselves. Your courage serves to keep the darkness out of the Empire; without your resolve, we all fall. Be the strength of the Empire, and show Rokugan that there is more to honor than words.
To the Crane: Give them purpose. The Empire is a place where courageous deeds should never go unnoticed, and where honor should be rewarded with glory and immortality. Show the Empire how to find worth in their actions; ensure that they have a reason to live. Without beauty and culture, the world is an ugly place - your call is to make certain that the fight has purpose, that there is something worth fighting for.
To the Dragon: Your burden is a mystery that has yet to be unraveled, a riddle that cannot be answered. You are purpose, you are that which has not yet been born. Be the heart of all things potential, be the purpose behind the search. Forge new enigmas, new adventures and new secrets - and give the Empire a soul.
To the Phoenix: Of all the clans, you alone understand that magic, wisdom and understanding has a heavy price. You have fallen once, beneath your burden - but you now have strength enough to stand. Teach the Empire how to understand the dangers that is magic, and show them how to speak with dignity to the kami and the spirits of the land. You are part of that world; show the Empire how to join with it in respect.
To the Unicorn: Only the Unicorn have seen the Empire from two views - within and without. Your perspective, the racing of the wind and the running of a horse's swift hooves across fields that we cannot know, these things are your heart. Be the keepers of all that is good and noble, all those things that we in the Empire take for granted. Show us what we do not see.
To the Scorpion: Your burden, you have borne for a thousand years. You do not need another. Your clan has been the most persecuted, the most forgotten and underestimated - and now is your time to repay what has been taken from you. Find the secrets - for they are still there. Listen to the weaknesses of others, and play on them - those who weaken the Empire, who are faithless or have no sense of honor - they must be taught the folly of their ways, lest all of Rokugan fall from their dishonor. Never forget your place. Never forget your lady.
To the Shadowlands: I do not give you a burden; you would not take it. Still, I ask of you a favor - that you continue to remind the Empire of the price of their failures. Give them a reason to fear, and a reason to be their best. Push them to their greatest successes, and do not let them fall or compromise. Destroy the weak, cull the herd.
To the Monk: Gentle guardians of enlightenment, your task is to seek the lost fragments of the Tao; that for which Toshimoko gave up his life and his honor. Teach the Empire their place within the Celestial Heavens, and share its stories. Though you fade, you will never be forgotten.
To the Naga: The Akasha has been shattered, but it can still be reborn. Listen to the Sun and the Moon, and guide them. They are a part of you, as much as you are a part of them. Bring back your Eternal Mind, and seek peace in the solitude of the Shinomen.
To the Fox: Stand alone. Your courage has begun a new age, and despite an evil which still haunts you, you can still prove your true worth. Seek out Kitsune Gohei, and destroy him, so that you can once more be free.
To the Ratlings: Keep Ropp'ch'ch's theatre alive - remember that Kabuki is the greatest of arts, and that you are the true masters of it. Educate the Empire on ways that are not their own - and do not ever let them believe that humans are alone in this world. Chew many sticks. Eat many bugs. (Shakespeare was a rat.)
To the Mantis: Remember, always, what was sacrificed so that you may live with honor. Each of you is more than an individual - as your Lord was his twenty finest men, so each of you is worth more than one man's soul. Keep your clan close to your heart, no matter what comes. Keep his memory alive. Make sure his death was worth it all - for you are the inheritors of his journey, and you are the legend he has become.
To the Great Army: Your path is the hardest, and your troubles have just begun. But know that the Emperor of Rokugan has knelt to your name, and that you have left a mark upon this world unlike any other. From the humblest of beginnings, you have become the saviors of the Empire. You will never truly belong to any other clan, for your hearts are free. But if you choose to aid the beleagured Akodo with their new task, or if you choose to follow the Wolf Legion and seek dignity beneath the Emperor's direct command, know that your strong right arm has held the throne aloft when it would have fallen. Your dedication has paved the way.
To the Ninja: You have failed. And as such, you must be punished. But Goju's burden is its own, and those who follow Goju or Ninube must be given the freedom to silence those who do not understand. So go forth, ruined descendants of darkness and shinobi, and find those who cannot remember what duty is. Teach them a new way, and find a new path. There will always be darkness in Rokugan - and where there is Shadow, you will find your call.
To the Lion: Yours, the hardest burden of all; to take formless, faceless men and turn them into heroes. The Shadow has been named, and with that name it must take on the traits and duties of that name. Akodo, come forth from your hiding, and take back your honor. Take these empty shells and teach them what they have become. Redeem all that has been lost, and stand beside your family in the Ikoma and Kitsu. The Lion know what it is to fall, and they know what it is to fight until the bitter end - and win. You alone have never failed, even in your hour of darkness and pain. I believe that you never will.
And last, to the Monkey: You are the humor in the Empire, the laughter that rings through the halls at night, and the comaraderie that keeps us sane when the shadows walk at night. Keep the Empire's cheer, and help them see past their own blades. And lastly, I ask that you allow a wandering ronin who remembers the stories of the past to walk among you. I seek only a place to stay out of the rain, and a warm cup of sake to ease my voice between the tales. Though I am no more than you, I remember a time when the Empire was in danger, and the strength of samurai stood between it and destruction.
Let me tell you a tale of honor and courage, such as you have never heard before...
Monday, August 02, 2004
Clans of Rokugan
The Clans of Rokugan

The last title in the exciting Clan War series, The Lion, finally made its way into fans' eager hands this month. Some of you, however, may not be familiar with the Legend of the Five Rings world of Rokugan, and so you may not realize just how significant the Clan War was to the fate of the Empire. For you folks, we've prepared a primer on the Clans of Rokugan, with a bit of an editorial twist to put it in context for the modern day. We've taken the Clan descriptions from the Legend of the Five Rings Player's Guide (©2000 AEG -- thanks guys!), compiled them here for you, and asked one of our editors to put the Clans into a unique perspective for anyone unfamiliar with the realm. His "editor's notes" help you understand just how each Clan fits into the world!

The Crab -- For a thousand years, the Crab have steadfastly defended the Empire from the Shadowlands. Unfortunately, this duty has left them little time for courtly activities, thus making them the most blunt and uncouth of the Clans.
Editor's note: These guys are the Klingons. Though they're often uncouth and rude, you still must be nice to them so they don't bash your skull in.

The Crane -- When it came time for Hantei I to wed, all the Clans offered up their most beautiful daughters for consideration. It was the daughter of Doji, from the Crane Clan, that he chose. Ever since that day, every Emperor has chosen a bride from the Crane Clan. Also, every Emperor has attended a Crane kenjutsu (fencing) school. The Kakita School is the most prestigious in the Empire, its students legendary for their prowess and courage. However, the Crane are often seen by the other Clans as sycophants for their relationship with the Emperor.
Editor's note: These guys are the ones who always dress nice, compose poetry and music, and get all the girls. Think a bleached Hugh Grant in a blue bathrobe.

The Dragon -- Since the earliest days of the Hantei dynasty, Togashi and his Clan have remained secreted away in the high mountains of Rokugan. Practicing their strange meditations in privacy, the Dragon Clan have the most misunderstood samurai in the Empire. Their spellcasters are fluent in the ways of war, and their samurai are familiar with the ways of sorcery. The strangest of their Clan -- the ise zumi -- shave all hair from their bodies and cover their skin with detailed tattoos. Always enigmatic, the Dragon Clan are sometimes seen as aloof and bizarre by the other Clans.
Editor's note: Basically, the Dragon Clan contains the "mystics." If L5R had Jedi, they would be Dragon.

The Lion -- The Lion has always maintained a reverence for the Emperor, a devotion unparalleled anywhere in Rokugan. The samurai of the Lion Clan are some of the most brilliant tacticians the Empire has ever known. However, some say the Lion clings too tightly to tradition, and their rigidity has caused much strife between them and the other Clans -- especially their chief rival, the Crane.
Editor's note: The Lion Clan contains the jocks. If the Crab Clan has the frat boys, then the Lion Clan acts as the ROTC.

The Phoenix -- The most powerful shugenja in the Empire belong to the Phoenix Clan. The scribe who stood by the Emperor and wrote down his conversation with Shinsei was the Kami Shiba, founder of the Phoenix, and he brought back all the details and verbal nuances of the conversation to his Clan. No other Clan has a more fundamental understanding of the Old Religion of Rokugan and the "new way" of Shinsei. It was the Phoenix who melded the two into the current belief taught across the Empire.
Editor's note: The Phoenix Clan contains the magicians and sorcerers. Remember Mako's character in Conan the Barbarian? He was likely a Phoenix shugenja.

The Scorpion -- Masters of intrigue, if there are secrets to be known in Rokugan, a Scorpion somewhere knows them. They are the masters of double-dealing and subterfuge. Theirs is a Clan of spies and information peddlers.
Editor's note: If the U.S.A. had these Clans, the CIA, FBI, DEA, and CNN would all be Scorpion.

The Unicorn -- Just after Hantei took the Throne, he turned to his sister Shinjo and asked her to ride into the outlands of the Empire to seek allies and look for possible dangers. Shinjo left with a small band of followers -- the Ki-Rin Clan -- and was not heard from again for eight hundred years. Two hundred years ago, they returned, as the Clan of the Unicorn, with wealth undreamed of, fabulous treasures of foreign make, and their most valuable prize: the war-horses of the west. The Unicorn Clan also brought with it many strange customs and beliefs, making them strangers to the people of Rokugan. Their ignorance of the delicate etiquette of Rokugan has made them appear to be "barbaric" and "uncivilized" at times, but their mighty horses and valiant samurai (all trained in what the Lion call "barbarian tricks") have made them valuable allies to any who would take them.
Editor's note: Imagine if Huns, riding Clydesdales, had settled in medieval Japan, and you'd have the Unicorn.
All material not contained in the introduction and the editor's notes are ©2000 AEG.
Well, I am back to my busy times... So will blog as and when I have the time to... Guess this will be the storage area for some useful articles that I have read... Here is something from a game which I am pretty interested in nowadays - Legend of the Five Rings. :) Enjoy!
From the Imperial Assembly Toturi's Army Letter #12.
Once there was, the old man told me, an Empire made entirely of frogs. They lived by the side of a massive pond, and they lived in peace. The only dangers were of accident and age, and death was rare.
Yet, in the woods to the north, there was a great pit, and two young frogs fell into that hole. Their companions looked down into the pit and shouted to them, "It is too deep! You will never jump out!"
But the two frogs jumped, and jumped, and leapt until their legs grew sore. Still they could not reach the lip of the hole.
"Stop jumping!" cried the others. "It is finished. Accept your fate with dignity, and let the Fortunes have your soul!"
Still they jumped and jumped, trying to escape. But the pit was too deep, and still the frogs failed.
"Enough!" cried the others, looking down. "Stop jumping! You have failed, and you are as good as dead."
And then, one of the two frogs in the pit stopped jumping, and he curled his legs beneath him. "They are right," he said. "We are doomed." With that, he died.
The other jumped, and leapt, and tried again. Each time, he jumped a bit higher, until at last, with a heroic effort, he reached the lip of the pit and was free.
"How did you do that?" The other frogs crowded around him. "It was an impossible task!"
"What?" said the escaped frog. "I cannot hear what you are saying. I am deaf, you see."
And it was true.
But this is more: when he saw the others yelling from above, he thought they were encouraging him.